Planned Giving
God wants us to share His blessings! He doesn't mean for us to keep His blessings to ourselves. When we bless others, we continually discover the joy of giving!
Two types of giving: spontaneous and planned
When we give spontaneously, we simply recognize a need and decide to meet it. When we plan our giving, we take time to think about how we can effectively use our resources to give to the people and organizations we most want to support.
What is financial planning, who needs it, and what are the benefits?
Financial planning occurs when we seek the counsel of a trained professional who offers advice concerning the management of our personal finances and giving. A financial planner supplies helpful information and insights so clients can make well-informed financial choices, now and in the future.
What is my part?
When you consult a financial planner, she/he gives your goals and wishes the highest priority, pointing you in the right direction as you consider the gifts you wish to give to family and loved ones, your donations to charitable organizations, the ways you can invest or increase your funds, or the laws that have a bearing on when and how you will give. You determine the final outcome of your plan.
What if I want to change an existing plan?
Laws change. Family needs change. Financial investments and opportunities have ups and downs. Because change affects both our finances and our relationships, it may be necessary to reevaluate an existing financial plan and alter it. We can recommend trusted professionals to assist you.
Can I help accelerate Bible translation through my financial planning?
Absolutely! In your financial plan, you can consider the millions of people who are waiting for the Bible to be translated into a language they clearly understand and help us share that blessing with them. When you include Bible translation in your planned giving, you ensure a lasting legacy for Bible translation work!
This information is offered for general illustration purposes only and is not professional tax or legal advice. Consult an attorney, tax advisor, or other competent specialist about your specific situation.