We, the Righthand International Foundation, are a non-profit-making and a non-political organization engaged in community development, social welfare and capacity building for the inclusive and transparent growth of African communities. RIF was established in 2008 as an association helping local community school drop-outs with academic counselling, encouraging them to go back to school and further their education, as well as providing means of sponsorship and sustainability of study. R.I.F. was registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and obtained a certificate with Reg. No: CAC/IT/NO104540 on 21st December, 2017. We provide helping hands to global communities and languages within Africa through transforming communities as God intended from the beginning (Matthew 6:10).
In Community Development: R.I.F. promotes, facilitates and provides assistance for language and literacy development, as well as translation of relevant educational and religious materials and literature. We also contribute towards the development, maintenance, preservation and sustainability of the environment. This is done with the view to protecting the environment and maintaining ecological balance. We also assist relevant communities by providing safe water.
In Social Welfare: R.I.F. provides medical and legal aid and assistance to the aged and takes other measures to ensure their social well-being in line with international best practices.
We safeguard the rights of the child and provide for the well-being of children in need, more particularly, children deprived of quality education and children exposed to any form of abuse. We also provide social, educational and economic empowerment to women in order to have an inclusive sense of belonging.
In Capacity Building: R.I.F. mentors and provides guidance to youth and the unemployed through the provision of vocational and entrepreneurial training. We also offer scholarships and academic grants, as well as loans for small and medium scale enterprises (SMSEs). We also encourage and engage in agricultural and livestock production. We conduct studies on various social issues in order to gather data and carry out requisite and relevant research to campaign for awareness on the aforementioned issues by disseminating information among relevant focus groups, as well as the general public, for the sustainability of inclusive growth of Africa.